Donated Dental Services Recruitment
What We Know:
You already provide a lot of free dental care.
You rarely receive recognition for your efforts.
Your time is precious.
You care.
Dental access is a tough issue with no easy answer.
You would like to “pick and choose” your pro bono cases.
Sometimes are just “not good times” to volunteer.
You like to do dentistry, not paperwork.
People with complicated dental problems often need to see specialists.
Transportation challenges and no-shows are deterrents to offering pro bono care.
The rewards are great.
You can make a difference.
What We Offer:
• You choose who and how many patients you will see.
• You provide treatment in your own office using your own equipment.
• DDS care coordinators can handle request for lab work and specialists, as well as patient concerns.
• We have a standart application that you can keep in your office and provide to individuals that request free dental work.
• We provide a thorough screening process for applicants, so that you can be sure you are helping patients that are qualified and truly in need.
• A way of making a difference in the lives of neighbors in need.
Our Success Stories